The 54-page Paris agreement draft had been scaled down to 50.
A proposal by the US and its allies asking developing countries to equally contribute towards global climate finance has irked developing countries at the Paris meet.
The negotiations started on Sunday, a day ahead of schedule.
US wants differentiation between developed and developing countries scrapped
The new agreement, will be negotiated and once it is sealed it will also be judged
Decisions at a G20 meet are not added to the UN climate negotiations.
The Supreme Court imposed a green tax on trucks destined for other states but wanting to take a shorter route through Delhi.
Lack of financial commitments from rich countries poses threat to Paris meet
Diplomatic row erupts after co-chairs hold talks minus developing nations; third draft of Paris climate change agreement emerges at Bonn
India hopes to bridge gap with US to buffer against a Paris agreement that restricts country's developmental space.
The NITI Aayog's views are in contrast to the National Health Policy.
India is likely to announce its targets for the Paris deal by September-end.
Police probe still on; ex-parte stay against sexual harassment panel report and court permission to enter premises help NGO chief
For India, the talks will work as another opportunity to sharpen its positions ahead of the formal UN negotiations.
CAG audit is likely to be completed in six months.
Wants another committee to review adverse report of experts against 6 dams
The Marathi poem, Gandhi Mala Bhetala (Gandhi met me), is a satirical critique of those who falsely claim to follow the path of Mahatma Gandhi
Data captured in central government records have a lag.
India and China are the growing market for these gases
Whistle-blower officer Ashok Khemka has been shunted again, in breach of rules by BJP government in Haryana. All actions of the previous Congress govt against him still stand even as the Narendra Modi government has chosen to keep away.